How To Change Survey Background Color?

Survey background color
  1. Navigate to “Step 3: Style” of your survey setup process.
  2. Click on “Background colors” to reveal extra options
  3. To change the background color, set the background properties in the “Page/body” section by clicking in the textbox and selecting a color.
    Note: Make sure the “gradient from” and “gradient to” input fields are empty in order for the set background color to be visible
  4. To change the survey inner background color, set the background properties in the “Survey” section by clicking in the textbox and selecting a color.
    Note: Make sure the “gradient from” and “gradient to” input fields are empty in order for the set background color to be visible
  5. To change the survey header area color, set the background properties in the “page header” section by clicking in the textbox and selecting a color.
  6. To change the survey footer area color, set the background properties in the “Footer” section by clicking in the textbox and selecting a color.
  7. Click “Save” to save changes