Add Input Field To Single/multiple Choice Question

Exta input veld in singel choice question example
Adding input field or an "other" textbox is often used in a single choice or multiple choice question. It makes it possible for respondents to offer additional information about their choice or provide an alternative answer.

How to add input filed to single/multiple choice question?

  1. On “Step 2: Build” of your survey setup process, click on the "Edit" button of your single choice or multiple choice question.
  2. Answer settings icon
    Find the answer option you want to add a textinput option and click on it's settings icon
  3. Extra input field settings
    In the "Extra input field" settings, select any of the three input fields (small, medium or large)
  4. Click on "Save and resturn" to save changes
  5. Click on "Save and Close" to save all changes.