Use Video In A Survey Question
Warning: We do not allow users to upload videos to our server. Follow the instructions below to learn how to use videos on your survey questions.
In order to use a video in your survey question, you have to embed the video into your question. This process can be broken down in two steps:
- Copy embed code from YouTube or Vimeo
- Use embed code in your question
Copy embed code from YouTube
- Go to the YouTube video page you wish to use
- Click on “Share”
- Click on “Embed”
- Copy the embed code
Copy embed code from Vimeo
- Go to the Vimeo video you wish to use
- Click on the “Share” icon on the video
- Copy the Embed code
Use embed code in your question
- Click the “Edit” button on the question you want to add a video
- Click on the “insert/edit video” icon
- Click on the “Embed” tab
- Past the embed code you copied from YouTube or Vimeo and click “Ok”
- Click “Save and close” to save the changes