Formatting Text - Change Font Properties Of A Survey?

Font settings example
When designing a survey, you can specify the following text format: font type, font size, font color, boldness, italic and underline. 

Your survey can be formatted in two ways:

  1. Using the Theme font settings. 
  2. Using the question text editor

Using the Theme font settings

When you use the themes font settings, you can apply your specified font settings across the entire survey. You can apply separate and individual font and format settings for the survey title, questions and answer options.

  1. Survey text format
    On “Step 3: Style” of your survey setup process, click on the “Font” template option to reveal more options.
  2. The “Page header” section applies format settings to the title. Specify your settings for font type, font size, font color, boldness, italic and underline. 
  3. The “Questions” section applies format settings to the questions. Specify your settings for font type, font size, font color, boldness, italic and underline.
  4. The “Answer” section applies format settings to the answer options. Specify your settings for font type, font size, font color, boldness, italic and underline.
  5. Click on the “Save” Button to apply changes.

Using the question text editor

The question text editor allows you edit the text and format of individual questions. You can only apply font and format settings to the survey question itself. The settings you make overrides those found on the theme settings.

  1. On “Step 2: Build” of your survey setup process, click the “Edit” button of an individual question. 
  2. survey question text format
    Use the editor to specify your settings for font type, font size, font color, boldness, italic, strikethrough and underline.
  3. Click on the “Save and close” button to save changes.