10 Survey Mistakes and How to Avoid them

survey mistakesSurveys are a handy tool to learn what people think. But sometimes, mistakes can make surveys less successful. 

In this article, we'll explore the top 10 mistakes to steer clear of when making surveys. With our advice, you'll create surveys that people find enjoyable and easy to complete. Let's begin!


Top Mistakes to Avoid in Surveys

These are some of the popular mistakes researchers make when conducting surveys and have led to a lot of surveys being unsuccessful.

Not Having Clear Goals:

If you don't know what you want to find out, your survey might ask questions that don't help. Before you start, decide what you want to learn from your survey. Make sure your questions match your goals. For instance, if you're asking customers how happy they are with your service, every question should help you understand how to make your service better.

Asking Too Many Questions

Long surveys can make people quit halfway through. It's important only to ask the most necessary questions. Keep your survey short and focused on your main goals. If you're trying to find out what customers like about your products, stick to questions about that topic only.

Using Biased Questions

Questions that push for a certain answer can skew your results. Keep your questions neutral. Instead of asking, "Isn't our product the best?", ask, "How does our product compare to others you've used?"

Not Testing the Survey

You should check your survey before sending it out. Problems in your questions or the way the survey works can confuse people. Test it with a few people first to catch any issues. Ensure that the questions are easy to understand and the survey works as it should.

Not Giving Clear Instructions

If people don't understand how to answer, they might stop taking the survey or give incorrect answers. Explain how to complete the survey and what to do if they have trouble. For example, show what a good answer looks like or how to select their responses.

Not Choosing the Right Audience

Your survey results will only be good if you ask the right group of people. Make sure your survey reaches those who are connected to what you're asking about. If you're asking about a new product, only survey people who have bought it.

Not Offering Incentives

A small thank-you, like a discount or a gift, can encourage more people to complete your survey. Incentives help you attract a high response rate and get reliable feedback.

Not Following Up

Remind people who haven't finished the survey to do so. A follow-up email or call can help improve how many responses you get. Thank people for participating and tell them how you'll use their feedback.

Not Looking at the Results Carefully

After you get the survey responses, it's crucial to examine them well. Search for common answers or trends. Use what you learn to make good choices and improvements.

Not Acting on the Feedback

The last mistake is not using the information you gathered. Apply what you've learned to make your product or service better. Tell your customers about the changes you've made. It shows you listen to them and work to make things better.


By avoiding these errors and applying these tips, your surveys can get more responses and provide accurate information. Also, choosing the right survey tool is key. The 'enquete' tool is an excellent choice for making surveys. It's user-friendly and lets you customize the survey for your audience. Remember to examine your data well and act based on your learning. This will show your audience that you value their opinions and are dedicated to improving their experience.

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