Survey Introduction Page

Survey Introduction Text

The introduction will be displayed before the survey starts. Use the text editor to add or update your introduction text. It is also possible to add images and videos if needed.

  1. Login to your enquete account
  2. Click on the title of the survey you wish to edit in the overview page
  3. In menu area, click on "Edit survey"
  4. Click on "Step 4: Before and After" 
  5. Click on the checkbox "Show introduction text on first page" to reveal the editor. Add the introduction text to survey in the editor.
  6. Click on "Next" to save your changes

Survey "Thank you" Message

The 'thank you' page will be displayed after the survey has been completed by a respondent. The text can also be added or edited by using the specified editor. 

  1. Login to your enquete account
  2. Click on the title of the survey you wish to edit in the overview page
  3. In menu area, click on "Edit survey"
  4. Click on "Step 4: Before and After" 
  5. Click on the radio button option "Thank the respondent for participating" to reveal the editor.
  6. Click on "Next" to save your changes

Redirect respondents to external website

It's also possible to redirect a respondent to any specified website when the survey is completed.
  1. Login to your enquete account
  2. Click on the title of the survey you wish to edit in the overview page
  3. In menu area, click on "Edit survey"
  4. Click on "Step 4: Before and After" 
  5. Click on the radio button option "Redirect the respondent to the following URL" to reveal the text field.
  6. Click on "Next" to save your changes